Education gives humility. Humility gives social acceptance. Social acceptance gives industry. Industry gives wealth. Wealth gives the ability to perform good karma. Good karma gives happiness.
Tag: Education
तुलसी साथी विपत्ति के विद्या विनय विवेक| साहस…
तुलसी साथी विपत्ति के, विद्या विनय विवेक|
साहस सुकृति सुसत्यव्रत, राम भरोसे एक ||
“तुलसीदास जी कहते हैं, किसी विपत्ति के समय आपको ये सात गुण बचायेंगे:
आपका ज्ञान या शिक्षा, आपकी विनम्रता, आपकी बुद्धि, आपके भीतर का साहस, आपके अच्छे कर्म, सच बोलने की आदत और ईश्वर में विश्वास !!”
Tulsidas says, during difficult times these seven things will help you.
1. Education
2. Humility
3. Wisdom
4. Courage
5. Good Karma
6. Truth telling
7. Faith in God
I disapprove of what you say but I…
I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
-E.B Hall
Education is not merely a means for earning…
Education is not merely a means for earning a living or an instrument for the acquisition of wealth. It is an initiation into life of spirit, a training of the human soul in the pursuit of truth and the practice of virtue.
-Vijayalakshmi Pandit
The greatest education in the world is watching…
The greatest education in the world is watching the masters at work.
-Micheal Jackson