Each pleasure is wrapped in pain. You soon discover that you cannot have one without the other. Real happiness is not vulnerable, because it does not depend on circumstances .Real happiness flows from within.
Nisargadatta Maharaj
Tag: Happiness
You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore before you decide to be happy.
Jane Marczewski (_nightbirde)
Who would you be, if you let yourself to be happy?
Jane Marczewski (_nightbirde)
Hormones for health and happiness
Happiness is the highest form of health. Four hormones determine the perception of happiness. A simple mnemonic to remember them is DOSE.
D-Dopamine; O-Oxytocin; S-Seratonin; E-Endorphins
Dopamine – The reward chemical for motivation. It can be improved by:
* Have a shower
* Eat healthy food
* Sleep well
Oxytocin – The love chemical. It can be improved by:
* Hug loved ones
* Play with kids
* Play with pets
* Be thankful and forgiving
Seratonin – The mood stabilizing chemical. It can be improved by:
* Spend time with nature
* Do breathing exercises
* Get sunlight
Endorphins-The pain killer and stress relief chemicals. They can be improved by:
* Walk and stretch
* Smile and laugh often
* Listen to music
The above is for information and does not constitute medical advice.
It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness.
Charles Spurgeon