Silence is of four kinds: silence of speech, silence of the eye, silence of the ear and Silence of the mind.
Only the last is pure Silence and is the most important.
Ramana Maharishi, Page 62 of Sri Ramana Reminiscences
Tag: Silence
No use thinking lakhs of times, if you do not act for a single time. No use observing silence continually, if you do not stop your wandering mind. No hunger can be satiated simply by binding a loaf of bread over the stomach.
Thus spake Guru Nanak
Let silence take you to the core of…
Let silence take you to the core of life.
The inspiration you seek is already inside you…
The inspiration you seek is already inside you.
Be silent and listen.
Talk talk talk the utter and heartbreaking stupidity…
Talk, talk, talk: the utter and heartbreaking stupidity of words.
―William Faulkner, Mosquitoes