Subtle degrees by Rumi

Subtle degrees
of domination and servitude
are what you know as love

but love is different
it arrives complete
just there
like the moon in the window

like the sun
of neither east nor west
nor of anyplace

when that sun arrives
east and west arrive

desire only that
of which you have no hope
seek only that
of which you have no clue

love is the sea of not-being
and there intellect drowns

this is not the Oxus River
or some little creek
this is the shoreless sea;
here swimming ends
always in drowning

a journey to the sea
is horses and fodder
and contrivance
but at land’s end
the footsteps vanish

you lift up your robe
so as not to wet the hem;
come! drown in this sea
a thousand times

the moon passes over the
ocean of non-being

droplets of spray tear loose
and fall back
on the cresting waves

a million galaxies
are a little scum
on that shoreless sea

I died as a mineral and became a…

I died as a mineral and became a plant,
I died as plant and rose to animal,
I died as animal and I was Man.
Why should I fear? When was I less by dying?
Yet once more I shall die as Man, to soar
With angels blest; but even from angelhood
I must pass on: all except God doth perish.
When I have sacrificed my angel-soul,
I shall become what no mind e’er conceived.
Oh, let me not exist! for Non-existence
Proclaims in organ tones, ‘To Him we shall return.’

-Jalal ud-Din Rumi (1207-1273) Translated by A.J. Arberry

तुलसी साथी विपत्ति के विद्या विनय विवेक| साहस…

तुलसी साथी विपत्ति के, विद्या विनय विवेक|
साहस सुकृति सुसत्यव्रत, राम भरोसे एक ||

“तुलसीदास जी कहते हैं, किसी विपत्ति के समय आपको ये सात गुण बचायेंगे:
आपका ज्ञान या शिक्षा, आपकी विनम्रता, आपकी बुद्धि, आपके भीतर का साहस, आपके अच्छे कर्म, सच बोलने की आदत और ईश्वर में विश्वास !!”

Tulsidas says, during difficult times these seven things will help you.
1. Education
2. Humility
3. Wisdom
4. Courage
5. Good Karma
6. Truth telling
7. Faith in God

An Ode to Lord Shiva : Naduvan by Dr Burns

This is an interesting translation of  Dr Burn’s work Naduvan. There are  omissions and errors, but it does also add details to improve clarity in some instances. Except converting the double hyphens to single hyphens, the rest of the text remains unaltered to retain the original version of the translation.

Translated by :
Mrs Jeevan Gunasunthari BA English Language/ Literature
(Singapore )

Sights and all that’s prized – a passing,
This body prized, when bruised, does pall,
Worldly possessions and this entity – a phase,
So is this world, this universe and all.

This ephemeral body misconstrued – as lasting,
Numerous have perished day after day,
Wealth depleted causing dire pain – and suffering,
Without reservations in mind and soul, I pray.

Though this world, this universe, may crumble – and fall,
Will forever remain, your sturdy foot, matted locks and coral-like body,
Indestructible and everlasting, your name – I call,
O Supreme Lord Shiva! O Supreme Body!

Undissolvable are human sins,
Through nine holes in my six-feet body,
As air and soul depart by any means,
Accept my humble soul, Supreme Almighty!
Without fail, free me from bondage,
As I appear before thee in humble homage.

Once in a sanctuary, a devotee,
For ten months, pleaded with the Creator,
For a body, he acquired eventually,
Merely to be broken by a jester.

Like the multiple births – we take,
Praising oneself, for the sins perpetrated,
This broken body, to the grave – we take,
With Karma, Illusion and Ego, this body emaciated.

In the one who knows all, real truth lies incessantly,
Those trying to make an impression, awake from your sleep of ignorance,
With only Him, in mind constantly,
What’s burnt, Death consumes as a penance,
As unhealed wound is savoured invariably,
Similar to admiring Death’s body perpetually.

For misdeed committed in previous birth,
One has to pay indefinitely,
Prior to that, pray to the Lord – it’s worth,
To connect with He who chased the God of Death indelibly,
For the full moon, Lord Shiva, the sole cause,
So Death, I welcome – Come hither,
With Him near, I’ve no fear.

Lustful and skilled in the art of seduction,
Amidst the aroma of sandalwood paste and vermillion,
Men and women, with eyes for salacious attraction,
Shall have their flesh scotched – tomorrow, you’ll see,
Blisters rupturing, with soul leaving body free,
Unable to scream a tearful plea,
In a shroud – concealed.
What’s above, what’s below – superfluous,
You and I – simply inconspicuous,
At the brink of death, my soul – spirituous,
To O Lord Shiva, a surrender – most arduous!

The pot is a God The winnowing fan…

The pot is a God. The winnowing fan is a God. The stone in the street is a God. The comb is a God. The bowstring is also a God. The bushel is a God and the spouted cup is a God.

Gods, gods, there are so many there’s no place left for a foot. There is only one God. He is our Lord of the Meeting Rivers.
