Grace or Effort?

So, one time I said to Siddhi Maa… I said, Maa, Maharajji said he has the keys to the mind. So, to me that means that I am where he has placed me – where he wants me to be. So, is it all his doing? Is it all Grace or is my effort required?

I mean everybody asks this question: Grace or Effort?

She gave the best answer in the world. She looked at me and said, “Krishna Das, it’s all Grace but you have to act like it isn’t . We don’t know that it’s all Grace. We hope it is, we’d like to believe it is, but we don’t experience that directly. So, because you think you’re you and I think I’m me, we have effort to make until such time as those thoughts don’t arise.”

Beautiful answer!

– Krishna Das, Interview on Neem Karoli Baba

Your best friend in the world

Tell me one thing, those who have been initiated by the mantra.

Of all the thousands of thoughts we have in a day… Somebody said we have 16 000 thoughts in a day in your waking life.

Of all the thousands of thoughts we have in a day, how many many of them are more important than the mantra?

How many are more important – if you just said this thought and mantra? Almost none. Almost none.

Such a waste of mental energy – chattering away hour after hour, day after day, month after month, year after year.

Replace it with something that will give permanent peace and joy and elevation and nobility to the mind.

There are very few times when you actually need to think.

Other things in the world, they demand your attention. Think. Do it. Finished? Replace it with the mantra.

Stay with the mantra. Keep… Become… It’s your best friend in the world.

– Swami Sarvapriyananda