“We work hard to disown the parts of our lives that were painful, difficult, or sad. But just as we can’t rip chapters out of a book and expect the story to still make sense, so we cannot rip chapters out of our past and expect our lives to still make sense. Keep every chapter of your life intact, and keep on turning the pages. Sooner or later you’ll understand why every scene, every chapter was needed.”
Sandra Kring
Tag: Fate
True freedom comes to those who have escaped…
True freedom comes to those who have escaped the questions of freewill and fate.
Fate and will together run
Twofold is the life we live in
Fate and will together run
Two wheels bear life’s chariot onward
Will it move on only one?
In the abundance of water The fool is…
In the abundance of water,
The fool is thirsty.
-Bob Marley, Rat race
Unfettered like a wafting mist I give myself…
Unfettered like a wafting mist I give myself up to where the wind wants me to be.