People do not seem to realize that their opinion of the world is also a confession of character.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
You will have to court death sooner or later. When it is certain that you must die one day, why don’t you die now when you are alive (i.e. let all your likes and dislikes be dead to you and remain as you really are, devoid of all vasanas). If you do this you will not have to die hereafter, and you will be in perpetual bliss and existence.
Brahmajna Ma
Silence is of four kinds: silence of speech, silence of the eye, silence of the ear and Silence of the mind.
Only the last is pure Silence and is the most important.
Ramana Maharishi, Page 62 of Sri Ramana Reminiscences
The true purpose of Zen is to see things as they are, observe things as they are and let everything go as it happens. Zen practice is opening our small mind.
Shunryu Suzuki
The “I am” in motion, creates the world.
Nisargadatta Maharaj
The “I am” in peace, becomes the Absolute.