Purpose of creation

Rather than giving a purpose – the world is for this reason, that reason – because for the advaita vedantin since there is no real creation, they are not going to give you the reason for creation.

From the Buddhist perspective also, the world is as such is messed with dukkha, and nobody created the world as such, it is beginning less, going on stream pravah or flow that you cannot ask why. It’s just going the way it is.

From the Trika perspective, because there is the central Divinity then the question is valid. Why would the Lord create a miserable world? And that is where the Shaivas differ. Why do you conclude that the world is miserable? You are used to seeing glass half empty. Why can’t you start seeing glass half full? The world has both things. We learn about enjoyment, fun, being in the world and we pick the dirt while we play on the ground and then we became miserable. The more the dirt we pick up, the more miserable we become. If we were to clean, wash off all the dirt we picked up in the process of time, we would go back to the same pristine natal state of joy.

And the world as such is joyous, we are just tied with our limited body and limited mind and mental projections, all our anticipations and then we project it to be full of suffering. It does not need to be like that. You can choose the world to be full of suffering and suffer. But you can also choose the world to be a magical place. So, they developed some kind of magical realism that the whole world is almost like endless magical projection in not having any particular beginning or ending, unfolding a whirlpool of multiple streams.

Dr. Sthaneshwar Timalsina, Introduction to Kashmiri Shaivism

There is no Big Bang… He bangs all the time.

Because; The entire universe is being created moment by moment, constantly. Everything comes from nothingness, comes from emptiness, which is beyond any usual understanding. We are part of an infinite New creation every moment.

– Hans Peter Dürr, director of the same Max Planck Institute of Physics Albert Einstein was also director in Munich, Germany. He went around the world to prove that Albert Einstein was right: Matter doesn’t exist.

What is a view, who offers it?

A ‘view’ is generally refer to a portrayal in a limited context like an opinion, a poem, photo within a frame. Who is offering the view of world to us and view about our own self?

When the information reach the sensory organs, we term that as sensing. Whereas when the sensed information reach our awareness, we term that as knowing. Knowing is a view offered by the mind assembled from the gathered information as thoughts. This information about how thoughts are formed, mechanically and independently, is the one stepping stone from where we could view that everything is offered without effort and independently all the time for a given context.

Everything in this universe moves. The mind takes snapshot of the movement and present as a view. Any change in the universe, including the mind, alters the snapshot view taken by the mind.
