My friend, the enjoyment of that food is evil which gives pain to the body and evil thoughts to the mind.
The wearing of that dress is evil which gives pain to the body and evil thoughts to the mind.
Thus spake Guru Nanak
Tag: Guru Nanak
No use thinking lakhs of times, if you do not act for a single time. No use observing silence continually, if you do not stop your wandering mind. No hunger can be satiated simply by binding a loaf of bread over the stomach.
Thus spake Guru Nanak
Restrain the mind-stuff from ebbing away through the nine portals in the body. This will gain you access to the tenth door, which leads to the true house of your Father with its eternal music.
Thus spake Guru Nanak
Bathe in the water of virtues, apply the perfume of truth to your body.
This spake Guru Nanak