जटा (Jattaa) = Twisted Hair as worn by ascetics, Matted Hair
अटवी (Attavii) = Forest
गल (Gala) = Oozing
जल (Jala) = Water
प्रवाह (Pravaaha) = Flowing or Streaming forth
पावित (Paavita) = Cleansed, Purified
स्थल (Sthala) = Ground, Place, Spot
गलेऽवलम्ब्य (Gala-Avalambya): Supporting [His] Neck
गल (Gala) = Neck
अवलम्ब (Avalamba) = Support, Prop
लम्बितां (Lambitaam): Hanging down
लम्बित (Lambita) = Hanging down
भुजङ्गतुङ्गमालिकाम् (Bhujangga-Tungga-Maalikaam): The Lofty Garlands of Serpents
भुजङ्ग (Bhujangga) = Snake, Serpent
तुङ्ग (Tungga) = Lofty, High
मालिका (Maalikaa) = Garland
डमड्डमड्डमड्डमन्निनादवड्डमर्वयं (Ddamadd-Ddamadd-Ddamadd-Ddaman-Ninaadavadd-Ddamar-Vayam): [His] Damaru is Weaving out the Sound – Damad, Damad, Damad, Damad
डमड् (Ddamadd) = Damad, the Sound of Damaru
डमड् (Ddamadd) = Damad, the Sound of Damaru
डमड् (Ddamadd) = Damad, the Sound of Damaru
डमड् (Ddamadd) = Damad, the Sound of Damaru
निनाद (Ninaada) = Sound, Noise
डमरु (Ddamaru) = Damaru
वय (Vaya) = One who Weaves, Weaver
चकार (Cakaara): Performed, Did
कृ (Kr) = To do
चण्डताण्डवं (Canndda-Taannddavam): Passionate Tandava Dance
चण्ड (Canndda) = Fierce, Passionate
ताण्डव (Taannddava) = Tandava Dance
तनोतु (Tanotu): Please Extend
तन् (Tan) = Spread, Extend
नः (Nah): Us
शिवः (Shivah): Sri Shiva
शिवम् (Shivam): Auspiciousness
शिव (Shiva) = Auspicious
जटाकटाहसम्भ्रमभ्रमन्निलिम्पनिर्झरी (Jattaa-Kattaaha-Sambhrama-Bhraman-Nilimpa-Nirjharii): His Matted Hair like a Caldron is Revolving, and Revolving with it is the River Goddess Ganga
जटा (Jattaa) = Twisted Hair worn by ascetics, Matted Hair
कटाह (Kattaaha) = Caldron, anything shaped like Caldron
सम्भ्रम (Sambhrama) = Whirling round
भ्रम (Bhrama) = Wandering, Roaming, Turning Round, Revolving
निलिम्प (Nilimpa) = A God
निर्झरी (Nirjharii) = A River
विलोलवीचिवल्लरीविराजमानमूर्धनि (Vilola-Viici-Vallarii-Viraajamaana-Muurdhani): [The Strands of His Matted Hair] which are like Creepers are Waving up and down like Waved, and His Forehead is Shining
विलोल (Vilola) = Moving to and fro, Rolling, Waving
वीचि (Viici) = Wave
वल्लरी (Vallarii) = A Creeper, anything climbing signifying Curled Hair
विराज (Viraaja) = Shining, Brilliant
मूर्धन् (Muurdhan) = The Forehead, Head, the Highest part
धगद्धगद्धगज्जलल्ललाटपट्टपावके (Dhagad-Dhagad-Dhagaj-Jvalal-Lalaatta-Patttta-Paavake): On the Surface of His Forehead is Burning a Blazing Fire with the sound – Dhagad, Dhagad, Dhagad
धगद् (Dhagad) = Dhagad, the sound of burning
धगद् (Dhagad) = Dhagad, the sound of burning
धगद् (Dhagad) = Dhagad, the sound of burning
ज्वलत् (Jvalat) = Blazing Fire, Flame
ललाट (Lalaatta) = Forehead, Brow
पट्ट (Patttta) = A Flat or Level surface of anything
पावक (Paavaka) = Fire, Pure, Clear, Bright, Shining
किशोरचन्द्रशेखरे (Kishora-Candra-Shekhare): A Young Moon [Shining on the] Peak [i.e. Head]
किशोर (Kishora) = Youth
चन्द्र (Candra) = Moon
शेखर (Shekhara) = Peak, Summit, Crest
रतिः (Ratih): Delight
रति (Rati) = Pleasure, Enjoyment, Delight in
प्रतिक्षणं (Prati-Kssannam): Every Moment
प्रति (Prati) = Every
क्षण (Kssanna) = Moment
मम (Mama): my
धराधरेन्द्रनन्दिनीविलासबन्धुबन्धुर (Dharaa-Dharendra-Nandinii-Vilaasa-Bandhu-Bandhura): The Supporter of the Earth and the Daughter of the Mountain King, the Beautiful [Divine Mother] is [His] Companion [in His Divine] Sports
धरा (Dharaa) = Bearer, Supporter, the Earth
धर (Dhara) = Mountain
इन्द्र (Indra) = Chief, King
नन्दिनी (Nandinii) = A Daughter
विलास (Vilaasa) = Sport, Play
बन्धु (Bandhu) = Connection, Relation, Friend
बन्धुर (Bandhura) = Curved, Rounded, Pleasant, Beautiful, Charming
स्फुरद्दिगन्तसन्ततिप्रमोदमानमानसे (Sphurad-Diganta-Santati-Pramodamaana-Maanase): The Horizon is Shaking [by the force of Tandava] and the Mind is filled with Excessive Joy
स्फुरत् (Sphurat) = Trembling, Shaking
दिगन्त (Diganta) = The end of the Horizon, Remote distance
संतति (Samtati) = Stretching or Extending along, Expanse, Continuity, Uninterruptedness
प्रमोद (Pramoda) = Excessive Joy, Delight, Gladness
मानस (Maanasa) = belonging to Mind
कृपाकटाक्षधोरणीनिरुद्धदुर्धरापदि (Krpaa-Kattaakssa-Dhorannii-Niruddha-Durdhara-Aapadi): The Flow of Whose Graceful Side Glance can Restrain even the Unrestrainable Calamities
कृपा (Krpaa) = Pity, Tenderness, Compassion
कटाक्ष (Kattaakssa) = A Glance or Side Look
धोरणी (Dhorannii) = An Uninterrupted series, Tradition
निरुद्ध (Niruddha) = Held Back, Withheld, Restrained
दुर्धर (Durdhara) = Difficult to be carried, Unrestrainable, Irresistible
आपद (Aapada) = Misfortune, Calamity, Distress
क्वचिद्दिगम्बरे (Kvacid-Digambare): Sometimes [in the Mind of the] Digambara
क्वचिद् (Kvacid) = Sometimes
दिगम्बर (Digambara) = Sky-Clothed signifying Ever-Free
मनो (Mano): Mind
मनस् (Manas) = Mind
विनोदमेतु (Vinodametu): Divine Sports
विनोद (Vinoda) = Sport
वस्तुनि (Vastuni): Materializes
वस्तु (Vastu) = Thing
जटाभुजङ्गपिङ्गलस्फुरत्फणामणिप्रभा (Jattaa-Bhujangga-Pinggala-Sphurat-Phannaa-Manni-Prabhaa): The Lustre of the [Red] Pearls on the Raised Hoods of the Reddish-Brown Serpents on His Matted Hair who are Throbbing [are smearing the directions]
जटा (Jattaa) = Matted Hair
भुजङ्ग (Bhujangga) = Snake, Serpent
पिङ्गल (Pinggala) = Reddish-Brown
स्फुरत् (Sphurat) = Trembling, Shaking
फण (Phanna) = The expanded Hood of a Serpent
मणि (Manni) = Jewel, Gem
प्रभा (Prabhaa) = Light, Splendour, Radiance
कदम्बकुङ्कुमद्रवप्रलिप्तदिग्वधूमुखे (Kadamba-Kungkuma-Drava-Pralipta-Digvadhuu-Mukhe): The Directions [i.e. Sky] are appearing like the Face of a Bride Collectively Smeared with Liquid Saffron [by the Red Pearls on the Raised Hoods of the Serpents]
कदम्ब (Kadamba) = Kadamba flower, Multitude, Collection
कुङ्कुम (Kungkuma) = Saffron, Red dye
द्रव (Drava) = Melted, Liquefied
प्रलिप्त (Pralipta) = Sticking to, Smeared
दिश् (Dish) = Direction
वधू (Vadhuu) = Bride
मुख (Mukha) = Face
मदान्धसिन्धुरस्फुरत्त्वगुत्तरीयमेदुरे (Mada-Aandha-Sindhura-Sphurat-Tvag-Uttariiya-Medure): [His] Upper Garment is Shaking like the Thick Skin of an Intoxicated Elephant
मदान्ध (Madaandha) = Blind through Drunkenness or Passion, Intoxicated
सिन्धुर (Sindhura) = An Elephant
स्फुरत् (Sphurat) = Trembling, Shaking
त्वच् (Tvac) = Skin, Hide
उत्तरीय (Uttariiya) = An Upper or Outer Garment
मेदुर (Medura) = Thick
विनोदमद्भुतं (Vinodam-Adbhutam): [My Mind is Experiencing an] Extraordinary Thrill
विनोद (Vinoda) = Sport, Pastime, Pleasure
अद्भुत (Adbhuta) = Extraordinary, Marvellous
बिभर्तु (Bibhartu): [My Mind is being] Carried [away]
भृ (Bhr) = To Bear, Carry
भूतभर्तरि (Bhuuta-Bhartari): Sustainer of Beings
भूत (Bhuuta) = Beings
भर्तरि (Bhartari) = Maintainer, Sustainer
सहस्रलोचनप्रभृत्यशेषलेखशेखर (Sahasra-Locana-Prabhrty-Ashessa-Lekha-Shekhara): Sahasralochana [often refers to Indra Deva] and Others forming an Unending Line of Heads
सहस्र (Sahasra) = Thousand
लोचन (Locana) = Eye
प्रभृति (Prabhrti) = etc, beginning with
अशेष (Ashessa) = Without Remainder, All, Entire
लेख (Lekha) = Line, Stroke
शेखर (Shekhara) = Top of the Head, Crown
प्रसूनधूलिधोरणी (Prasuuna-Dhuuli-Dhorannii): Incessant Dust Produced [by the Dancing Feet]
प्रसून (Prasuuna) = Born, Produced, Flower
धूलि (Dhuuli) = Dust
धोरणी (Dhorannii) = An Uninterrupted Series
विधूसराङ्घ्रिपीठभूः (Vidhuusara-Angghri-Piittha-Bhuuh): The Dust-Coloured Feet [Dancing on the] Earth
विधूसर (Vidhuusara) = Dust-Coloured
अङ्घ्रि (Angghri) = Foot
पीठ (Piittha) = Seat, Throne
भू (Bhuu) = Earth
भुजङ्गराजमालया (Bhujangga-Raaja-Maalayaa): The Garland of the King of Serpents
भुजङ्ग (Bhujangga) = Snake, Serpent
राज (Raaja) = King
माला (Maalaa) = Garland
निबद्धजाटजूटकः (Nibaddha-Jaatta-Juuttakah): Bound on the Matted Hair
निबद्ध (Nibaddha) = Bound, Fettered
जटा (Jattaa) = Twisted Hair worn by ascetics, Matted Hair
जुट (Jutta) = Matted Hair
श्रियै (Shriyai): Beauty and Auspiciousness of Sri
श्रि (Shri) = Beauty and Auspiciousness of Sri
चिराय (Ciraaya): Long Lasting
चिर (Cira) = Lasting a long time
जायतां (Jaayataam): To take place, happen
जन् (Jan) = To be Born or Produced, Come into Existence
चकोरबन्धुशेखरः (Cakora-Bandhu-Shekharah): [The Moon on the] Top of His Head is a Friend of the Cakara birds [because Cakara birds drink only moonlight]
चकोर (Cakora) = Cakora Bird [drinks moonlight]
बन्धु (Bandhu) = Friend, Relation
शेखर (Shekhara) = Top of Head
ललाटचत्वरज्वलद्धनञ्जयस्फुलिङ्गभा (Lalaatta-Catvara-Jvalad-Dhanan.jaya-Sphulingga-Bhaa): On the Surface of His Forehead is Burning a Spark of Fire and Spreading its Lustre
ललाट (Lalaatta) = Forehead, Brow
चत्वर (Catvara) = A levelled spot of ground prepared for a sacrifice
ज्वलत् (Jvalat) = Blazing Fire, Flame
धनंजय (Dhanamjaya) = Fire
स्फुलिङ्ग (Sphulingga) = Spark of Fire
भा (Bhaa) = Lustre, Splendour
निपीतपञ्चसायकं (Nipiita-Pan.ca-Saayakam): Who Absorbed the Five Arrows [of Kama Deva]
निपीत (Nipiita) = Drunk in, Absorbed, Imbibed
पञ्च (Pan.ca) = Five
सायक (Saayaka) = Arrow
नमन्निलिम्पनायकम् (Naman-Nilimpa-Naayakam): Who made the Chief God [of Kama] Bow down
नमस् (Namas) = Bow, Obeisance, Reverential Salutation
निलिम्प (Nilimpa) = A God
नायक (Naayaka) = Lord, Chief
सुधामयूखलेखया (Sudhaa-Mayuukha-Lekhayaa): Nectar-Rayed-Stroke [of the Crescent Moon]
सुधा (Sudhaa) = Nectar or Honey
मयूख (Mayuukha) = a Ray of Light, Flame, Brightness, Lustre
लेख (Lekha) = a Line, Stroke, a Writing
विराजमानशेखरं (Viraajamaana-Shekharam): Shining on the Top of His Head [is the Crescent Moon]
विराज (Viraaja) = Shining, Brilliant
शेखर (Shekhara) = a Peak, Summit, Crest
महाकपालिसम्पदेशिरोजटालमस्तु (Mahaa-Kapaali-Sampade-Shiro-Jattaalam-Astu): May we also receive the Wealth of the Great Kapali contained in His Matted Hair
महत् (Mahat) = Great, Large
कपालि (Kapaali) = Sri Shiva
सम्पद् (Sampad) = Attainment, Prosperity, Possession, Wealth
शिरस् (Shiras) = Head, Skull
जटा (Jattaa) = Twisted Hair as worn by ascetics, Matted Hair
अस्तु (Astu) = Let it Be, Be it so
करालभालपट्टिकाधगद्धगद्धगज्ज्वलद् (Karaala-Bhaala-Pattttikaa-Dhagad-Dhagad-Dhagaj-Jvalad): The Terrible Surface of His Forehead is Burning with the Sound – Dhagad, Dhagad, Dhagad, Dhagad
कराल (Karaala) = Opening wide, Cleaving asunder, Dreadful, Terrible
भाल (Bhaala) = Forehead, Brow, Splendour, Lustre
पट्टिका (Pattttikaa) = a Tablet, Plate
धगद् (Dhagad) = The Sound of Burning [symbolically]
धगद् (Dhagad) = The Sound of Burning [symbolically]
धगद् (Dhagad) = The Sound of Burning [symbolically]
ज्वलत् (Jvalat) = Blazing fire, Flame
धनञ्जयाहुतीकृतप्रचण्डपञ्चसायके (Dhanan.jaya-([A]): The Fire [on His Forehead] Performed the Sacrifice of the Mighty possessor of the Five Arrows
धनंजय (Dhanamjaya) = Fire
आहुति (Aahuti) = Offering Oblations with Fire, Calling, Invoking
कृत (Krta) = Made, Done, Performed
प्रचण्ड (Pracanndda) = Terrible, Furious, Formidable, Passionate
पञ्चन् (Pan.can) = Five
सायक (Saayaka) = Missile, Arrow
धराधरेन्द्रनन्दिनीकुचाग्रचित्रपत्रक (Dharaa-Dhara-Indra-Nandinii-Kucaagra-Citra-Patraka): The Tandava Dance is Drawing Various Pictures on the Bosom of the Earth [signifying Creation] – the Earth which is a part of the Daughter of the Mountain
धरा (Dharaa) = Bearer, Supporter, the Earth
धर (Dhara) = Holding, Bearing, the Mountain, Womb
इन्द्र (Indra) = Indra Deva, Best, Excellent, the Chief
नन्दिनी (Nandinii) = Daughter
कुच (Kuca) = Breast
अग्र (Agra) = Front, Tip, Foremost Part
चित्र (Citra) = Picture, Sketch, Various, Variety of Colours, Variegated
पत्र (Patra) = Leaves
प्रकल्पनैकशिल्पिनि (Prakalpana-Eka-Shilpini): He is the One Artist who Creates
प्रकल्पन (Prakalpana) = Placing in, Raising to
एक (Eka) = One
शिल्पिन् (Shilpin) = Artist, Craftsman
त्रिलोचने (Tri-Locane): Three-Eyed
त्रि (Tri) = Three
लोचन (Locana) = Eye
रतिर्मम (Ratir-Mama): My Mind is Extremely Delighted
रति (Rati) = Pleasure, Enjoyment, Delight in, Rest, Repose
मम (Mama) = of me
नवीनमेघमण्डली (Naviina-Megha-Mannddalii): The Orb of the New Clouds
नवीन (Naviina) = New, Fresh, Young
मेघ (Megha) = Cloud, a Mass, Multitude
मण्डल (Mannddala) = Circle, Orb, Ring
निरुद्धदुर्धरस्फुरत् (Niruddha-Durdhara-Sphurat): The Throb [of the Tandava] has Restrained the Unrestrainable [New Clouds]
निरुद्ध (Niruddha) = Held Back, Withheld, Restrained
दुर्धर (Durdhara) = Difficult to be Carried or Suffered, Unrestrainable , Irresistible
स्फुरत् (Sphurat) = Trembling, Shaking
कुहूनिशीथिनीतमः (Kuhuu-Nishiithinii-Tamah): Darkness of the Night of the New Moon
कुहू (Kuhuu) = The New Moon
निशिथ (Nishitha) = Midnight, Night
तमस् (Tamas) = Darkness, Gloom, Ignorance, Illusion
प्रबन्धबद्धकन्धरः (Prabandha-Baddha-Kandharah): [The Tandava] has Bound [the Clouds] around His Neck
प्रबन्ध (Prabandha) = Connection, Band, Tie, Composition
बद्ध (Baddha) = Bound, Tied, Captured, Imprisoned, Joined
कन्धर (Kandhara) = Neck
निलिम्पनिर्झरीधरस्तनोतु (Nilimpa-Nirjharii-Dharas-Tanotu): The Bearer of the River Goddess, Please Extend
निलिम्प (Nilimpa) = A class of Supernatural Beings, A God
निर्झरी (Nirjharii) = A River
धर (Dhara) = Holding, Bearing, the Mountain, Womb
तन् (Tan) = To Extend, Spread, Diffuse
कृत्तिसिन्धुरः (Krtti-Sindhurah): Elephant Hide
कृत्ति (Krtti) = Skin, Hide
सिन्धुर (Sindhura) = an Elephant
कलानिधानबन्धुरः (Kalaa-Nidhaana-Bandhurah): The Container of the Curved Digit of the Moon
कला (Kalaa) = A small part of anything, part of Moon, a division of Time, Art
निधान (Nidhaana) = Containing anything, Depositing, Storing, Preserving
बन्धुर (Bandhura) = Curved, Rounded, Pleasant, Beautiful, Charming
श्रियं (Shriyam): Beauty and Prosperity
श्रि (Shri) = To cause to Lean or Rest on, Spread or Diffuse, Light, Lustre
जगद्धुरंधरः (Jagad-Dhurandharah): The Bearer of the Universe
जगत् (Jagat) = World, Universe
धुरंधर (Dhuramdhara) = Bearing a Yoke or a Burden, Helping another, Chief, Leader
प्रफुल्लनीलपङ्कजप्रपञ्चकालिमप्रभा (Praphulla-Niila-Pangkaja-Prapan.ca-Kaalima-Prabhaa): The Black Lustre of the Universe [referring to halahala poison] is appearing like a Blooming Blue Lotus
प्रफुल्ल (Praphulla) = Blooming, Expanded, Opened wide
नील (Niila) = Blue, Dark-Blue
पङ्कज (Pangkaja) = Mud-Born, Lotus
प्रपञ्च (Prapan.ca) = Expansion, Manifoldness, Diversity, Expansion of the Universe, the Visible World
कालिमन् (Kaaliman) = Blackness
प्रभा (Prabhaa) = to Shine, Light, Splendour, Radiance, Beautiful Appearance
वलम्बिकण्ठकन्दलीरुचिप्रबद्धकन्धरम् (AValambi-Kannttha-Kandalii-Ruci-Prabaddha-Kandharam): Resting within His Throat like a Girdle which He Himself has Restrained by His Will
अवलम्ब (Avalamba) = Hanging down, Support, Prop
कण्ठ (Kannttha) = the Throat, the Neck
कन्दल (Kandala) = the Cheek, Girth, Girdle
रुचि (Ruci) = Light, Lustre, Splendour, Liking, Relish
प्रबद्ध (Prabaddha) = Bound, Tied, Fettered, Suppressed
कन्धर (Kandhara) = Neck
स्मरच्छिदं (Smarac-Chidam): Who is the Destroyer of Smara, the Kama Deva
स्मर (Smara) = Kama Deva, the god of love
छिद् (Chid) = to Cut off, to Destroy
पुरच्छिदं (Purac-Chidam): Who is the Destroyer of Tripurasuras
पुर (Pura) = a Fortress, Castle, City, House, Tripurasura
छिद् (Chid) = to Cut off, to Destroy
भवच्छिदं (Bhavac-Chidam): Who is the Destroyer of the Delusion of Worldly Existence
भव (Bhava) = the Worldly Existence, the World
छिद् (Chid) = to Cut off, to Destroy
मखच्छिदं (Makhac-Chidam): Who is the Destroyer of the Sacrifice of Daksha
मख (Makha) = Festival, Sacrifice, Cheerful
छिद् (Chid) = to Cut off, to Destroy
गजच्छिदान्धकच्छिदं (Gajac-Chida-Andhakac-Chidam): Who is the Destroyer of Gajasura and Andhaka
गज (Gaja) = Elephant, Gajasura
छिद् (Chid) = to Cut off, to Destroy
अन्धक (Andhaka) = Demon Andhaka
छिद् (Chid) = to Cut off, to Destroy
तमन्तकच्छिदं (Tam-Antakac-Chidam): Who is the Restrainer of Yama
तम् (Tam) = Exhausted, Suffocated
अन्तक (Antaka) = Yama
छिद् (Chid) = to Cut off, to Destroy
भजे (Bhaje): To Worship
भज् (Bhaj) = To Revere, Adore
अखर्वसर्वमङ्गलाकलाकदम्बमञ्जरी (Akharva-Sarva-Manggalaa-Kalaa-Kadamba-Man.jarii): Who is the Non-Diminishing Source of Auspiciousness for the Welfare of All and the Source of all Arts which He Manifests like a Cluster of Blossoms
अखर्व (Akharva) = Not Shortened or Mutilated
सर्व (Sarva) = All
मङ्गल (Manggala) = Auspicious, Felicity, Welfare, Happiness
कला (Kalaa) = A small part of anything, part of Moon, a division of Time, Art
कदम्ब (Kadamba) = Kadamba tree and flower, a Multitude, Assemblage, Collection
मञ्जरी (Man.jarii) = a Cluster of Blossoms, a Flower, Bud, a Shoot
रसप्रवाहमाधुरीविजृम्भणामधुव्रतम् (Rasa-Pravaaha-Maadhurii-Vijrmbhannaa-Madhu-Vratam): [From His Tandava Dance is] Surging forth the Nectar of Sweetness in the form of Arts expressing His Sweet Will
रस (Rasa) = Juice, Nectar, Syrup
प्रवाह (Pravaaha) = Stream, River, Flowing or Streaming forth
माधुरी (Maadhurii) = Sweetness, Loveliness, Charm
विजृम्भ् (Vijrmbh) = to Open the Mouth, Expand, Spread out, Blossom
मधु (Madhu) = Honey, Sweet, Charming, Delighful
व्रत (Vrata) = Will, Command, Obedience, Service
स्मरान्तकं (Smara-Antakam): Who brought an End to Smara [i.e. Kama Deva]
स्मर (Smara) = Kama Deva, the god of love
अन्तक (Antaka) = Yama, Making an End, Causing Death
पुरान्तकं (Pura-Antakam): Who brought an End to the Tripusasuras
पुर (Pura) = a Fortress, Castle, City, House, Tripurasura
अन्तक (Antaka) = Yama, Making an End, Causing Death
भवान्तकं (Bhava-Antakam): Who brings an End to the Delusion of Worldly Existence
भव (Bhava) = the Worldly Existence, the World
अन्तक (Antaka) = Yama, Making an End, Causing Death
मखान्तकं (Makha-Antakam): Who brought an End to the Sacrifice [of Daksha]
मख (Makha) = Festival, Sacrifice, Cheerful
अन्तक (Antaka) = Yama, Making an End, Causing Death
गजान्तकान्धकान्तकं (Gaja-Antaka-Andhaka-Antakam): Who brought an End to Gajasura and Demon Andhaka
गज (Gaja) = Elephant, Gajasura
अन्तक (Antaka) = Yama, Making an End, Causing Death
अन्धक (Andhaka) = Demon Andhaka
अन्तक (Antaka) = Yama, Making an End, Causing Death
तमन्तकान्तकं (Tam-Antaka-Antakam): Who Restrained Yama
तम् (Tam) = Exhausted, Suffocated
अन्तक (Antaka) = Yama, Making an End, Causing Death
अन्तक (Antaka) = Yama, Making an End, Causing Death
जयत्वदभ्रविभ्रमभ्रमद्भुजङ्गमश्वसद् (Jayat-Vada-Bhra-Vibhrama-Bhramad-Bhujanggama-Shvasad): His Eyebrows are Moving To and Fro Expressing His Mastership and His Movements are Rolling the Serpents who are Spewing out their Hot Breath
जय (Jaya) = Conquest, Victory, Triumph
वद (Vada) = Speaking, a Speaker
भ्रू (Bhruu) = an Eyebrow, the Brow
विभ्रम (Vibhrama) = Moving To and Fro, Rolling or Whirling about
भ्रम (Bhrama) = Wandering, Roaming, Turning Round, Revolving, A Whirlpool, A Circle
भुजंग (Bhujamga) = Snake, Serpent
श्वस् (Shvas) = to Breathe, Respire
विनिर्गमत्क्रमस्फुरत्करालभालहव्यवाट् (Vinirgamat-Krama-Sphurat-Karaala-Bhaala-Havya-Vaatt): The Terrible Third Eye on His Forehead which is like an altar for Oblation is Throbbing in Succession and Emitting Fire
विनिर्गम (Vinirgama) = Going out, Departure from, Spreading about
क्रम (Krama) = Uninterrupted or Regular progress, Order, Series, Succession
स्फुरत् (Sphurat) = Trembling, Shaking
कराल (Karaala) = Opening wide, Cleaving asunder, Dreadful, Terrible
भाल (Bhaala) = Forehead, Brow, Splendour, Lustre
हव्य (Havya) = anything to be offered as an Oblation, Sacrificial Gift or Food
वाट् (Vaatt) = an exclamation on performing a sacrifice
धिमिद्धिमिद्धिमिध्वनन्मृदङ्गतुङ्गमङ्गल (Dhimid-Dhimid-Dhimidhvanan-Mrdangga-Tungga-Manggala): The Mridangam is Incessantly Sounding the Auspicious Beats of Dhimid, Dhimid, Dhimid, Dhimid
धिमिद् (Dhimid) = Dhimid, the Sound of Drum [symbolical]
धिमिद् (Dhimid) = Dhimid, the Sound of Drum [symbolical]
धिमिद् (Dhimid) = Dhimid, the Sound of Drum [symbolical]
धिमिद् (Dhimid) = Dhimid, the Sound of Drum [symbolical]
मृदङ्ग (Mrdangga) = Mridanga, a kind of Drum
तुङ्ग (Tungga) = Lofty, High, Prominent
मङ्गल (Manggala) = Auspicious, Felicity, Welfare, Happiness
ध्वनिक्रमप्रवर्तितप्रचण्डताण्डवः (Dhvani-Krama-Pravartita-Pracanndda-Taannddavah): With the Succession of Beats [from Mridangam] which are Rolling out, Shiva is Dancing His Passionate Tandava Dance
ध्वनि (Dhvani) = Sound, Voice, Word
क्रम (Krama) = Uninterrupted or Regular progress, Order, Series, Succession
प्रवर्तित (Pravartita) = caused to Roll on or forward, set in Motion, Set up, Established
प्रचण्ड (Pracanndda) = Terrible, Furious, Formidable, Passionate
ताण्डव (Taannddava) = Tandava Dance
दृषद्विचित्रतल्पयोर्भुजङ्गमौक्तिकस्रजोर् (Drssad-Vicitra-Talpayor-Bhujangga-Mauktika-Srajor): [When will I] see the sameness between a Variegated Comfortable Bed [and Hard Ground], Value between a Garland made of Serpent Pearls [and a Lump of Clay]
दृश् (Drsh) = To See, Behold
विचित्र (Vicitra) = Variegated, Many-Coloured, Manifold, Diverse
तल्प (Talpa) = a Couch, Bed, Sofa
भुजंग (Bhujamga) = Snake, Serpent
मुक्त (Mukta) = Let Loose, Set Free, a Pearl
ज (Ja) = a Garland
गरिष्ठरत्नलोष्ठयोः (Garissttha-Ratna-Losstthayoh): a Highly Valued Gem and a Lump of Clay
गरिष्ठ (Garissttha) = Excessively Heavy, Most Venerable
रत्न (Ratna) = a Jewel, Gem, Precious Stone, a Gift
लोष्ट (Losstta) = a Lump of Earth or Clay, Clod
सुहृद्विपक्षपक्षयोः (Suhrd-Vipakssa-Pakssayoh): Between a Friend and an Enemy
सुहृद् (Suhrd) = a Friend, Ally
विपक्ष (Vipakssa) = an Opponent, Adversary, Enemy
पक्ष (Pakssa) = Follower, Friend, a Feather, the Shoulder, Position, Multitude
तृणारविन्दचक्षुषोः (Trnna-Aravinda-Cakssussoh): Between Grass-like Eye and Lotus-like Eye
तृण (Trnna) = Grass, Herb, blade of Grass, Straw
अरविन्द (Aravinda) = Lotus
चक्षु (Cakssu) = the Eye
प्रजामहीमहेन्द्रयोः (Prajaa-Mahii-Mahendrayoh): Between an ordinary Subject and the King of the World
प्रजा (Prajaa) = People, Subjects, Offspring, Family
मही (Mahii) = the Great World, the Earth
महेन्द्र (Mahendra) = the Great Indra, King
समप्रवृत्तिकः (Sama-Pravrttikah): Equality of Conduct
सम (Sama) = Same, Equal, Similar, Like
प्रवृत्ति (Pravrtti) = Moving onwards, Coming forth, Activity, Conduct, Behaviour
कदा (Kadaa): When
कदा (Kadaa) = When, How
सदाशिवं (Sadaashivam): Sri Sadashiva
सदाशिव (Sadaashiva) = Sri Sadashiva
भजाम्यहम् (Bhajaamy-Aham): I Worship
भज् (Bhaj) = To Revere, Adore
अहम् (Aham) = I
निलिम्पनिर्झरीनिकुञ्जकोटरे (Nilimpa-Nirjharii-Nikun.ja-Kottare): [When will I Dwell] In a Cave within the Dense Woods by the side of the River Goddess Ganga
निलिम्प (Nilimpa) = A class of Supernatural Beings, A God
निर्झरी (Nirjharii) = A River
निकुञ्ज (Nikun.ja) = an Arbour, a Bower, a Thicket
कोटर (Kottara) = the Hollow of a Tree, Cave, Cavity
वसन् (Vasan): Dwell
वस (Vasa) = Dwelling, Residence
विमुक्तदुर्मतिः (Vimukta-Durmatih): Free from Sinful Mental Dispositions
विमुक्त (Vimukta) = Set Free, Liberated
दुर्मति (Durmati) = Bad Disposition of Mind, Envy, Hatred
सदा (Sadaa): Always, Ever, Every Time;
शिरःस्थमञ्जलिं (Shirahstham-An.jalim): [Keeping] Hands on the Forehead [during Worship]
शिरस् (Shiras) = Head, Skull
अञ्जलि (An.jali) = Open Hands placed side by side as a mark of Supplication, Reverence, Salutation
वहन् (Vahan): Keeping
वह (Vaha) = Carrying, Bearing
विमुक्तलोललोचनो (Vimukta-Lola-Locano): Free from Rolling of the Eyes [signifying lustful tendencies]
विमुक्त (Vimukta) = Set Free, Liberated
लोल (Lola) = Moving hither and thither, Rolling, Desirous, Greedy, Lustful
लोचन (Locana) = Eye
ललामभाललग्नकः (Lalaama-Bhaala-Lagnakah): [Worship Shiva] applying the Sacred Mark on the Forehead
ललाम (Lalaama) = Having a Mark on the Forehead, having any Mark or Sign
भाल (Bhaala) = Forehead, Brow, Splendour, Lustre
लग्नक (Lagnaka) = Surety, Bondsman, Bail
शिवेति (Shiveti): of Shiva
मन्त्रमुच्चरन्कदा (Mantram-Uccaran-Kadaa): When will I Utter the Mantras [of Shiva]
मन्त्र (Mantra) = a Mantra, a Vedic Hymn, a Prayer or Song of Praise
उच्चरण (Uccaranna) = Uttering, Articulating
कदा (Kadaa) = When, How
सुखी (Sukhii): Happy, Joyful
सुखिन् (Sukhin) = Happy, Joyful, Possessing or Causing Happiness
भवाम्यहम् (Bhavaamyaham): [When will] I be
भव (Bhava) = the Worldly Existence, the World, state of Being
अहम् (Aham) = I
इमं (Imam): This
हि (Hi): For, Because, on account of, Indeed, Certainly;
नित्यमेवमुक्तमुत्तमोत्तमं (Nityam-Evam-Uktam-Uttamottamam): [Those who] Regularly [Recite this] Greatest of the Great Hymn] which has been Uttered
नित्य (Nitya) = Continual, Eternal, Constantly dwelling in or devoted to
एव (Eva) = Exactly so, in this Manner
उक्त (Ukta) = Uttered, Said, Spoken
उत्तमोत्तम (Uttamottama) = The Best among the Best
स्तवं (Stavam): Praise, Eulogy, Hymn;
पठन्स्मरन्ब्रुवन्नरो (Patthan-Smaran-Bruvan-Naro): Person [who] Recite and Contemplates [on this Hymn]
पठ (Pattha) = Reading, Recitation
स्मर (Smara) = Kama Deva, the god of love, Remembering, Recollecting
ब्रुव (Bruva) = Calling one’s self by a name without any real title to it
विशुद्धिमेतिसंततम् (Vishuddhim-Iti-Santatam): [Recites this] Uninterruptedly with Purity of Mind
विशुद्धि (Vishuddhi) = Complete Purification, Purity
इति (Iti) = Refers to something that precedes
संतत (Samtata) = Stretch or Extended along, Woven together, Continuous, Uninterrupted
हरे (Hare): In Hara [i.e. Sri Shiva]
हर (Hara) = Hara, another name of Sri Shiva
गुरौ (Gurau): In Guru
गुरु (Guru) = Guru, a Spiritual Preceptor
सुभक्तिमाशु (Subhaktim-Aashu): [Recites this] with Great Devotion will Quickly Advance [towards Shiva]
सुभक्ति (Subhakti) = Great Devotion
आशु (Aashu) = Fast, Quick
याति (Yaati): Advance towards [Shiva]
या (Yaa) = To go towards
नान्यथा (Na-Anyathaa): There is No other Way or Refuge
न (Na) = Not
अन्यथा (Anyathaa) = Otherwise, in a different manner
गतिं (Gatim): Refuge, Going, Moving, Arriving at, Obtaining;
विमोहनं (Vimohanam): Confusion, Perplexity
देहिनां (Dehinaam): signifies Person
देहिन् (Dehin) = Having a Body, a Living Creature, Man
सुशङ्करस्य (Su-Shangkarasya): Deep [Contemplation] on Shankara
सु (Su) = Good, Excellent, Much, Greatly
शङ्कर (Shangkara) = Shankara, another name of Sri Shiva
चिन्तनम् (Cintanam): Thinking, Reflecting upon, Consideration
पूजावसानसमये (Puuja-Avasaana-Samaye): During the Time of Completion of the Puja [Worship]
पूजा (Puujaa) = Worship, Honour, Veneration, Reverance, Adoration
अवसान (Avasaana) = Conclusion, Termination
समय (Samaya) = Occasion, Time, Juncture, Circumstance
दशवक्त्रगीतं (Dasha-Vaktra-Giitam): This Song of the Ten-Headed Ravana
दश (Dasha) = Ten
वक्त्र (Vaktra) = the Mouth, Face
यः (Yah): He Who
शम्भुपूजनपरं (Shambhu-Puujana-Param): After Completing the Puja [Worship] of Shambhu
शम्भु (Shambhu) = Shambhu, another name of Sri Shiva
पूजन (Puujana) = Worship, Reverencing, Honouring
पर (Para) = Following, Succeeding, Highest, Supreme
पठति (Patthati): Recite [with Devotion]
पठ (Pattha) = Reading, Recitation
प्रदोषे (Pradosse): Evening, the first part of the Night
तस्य (Tasya): of him
स्थिरां (Sthiraam): Firm, Steadfast, Still
रथगजेन्द्रतुरङ्गयुक्तां (Ratha-Gaja-Indra-Turangga-Yuktaam): Chariots Yoked with King of Elephants and Horses [signifying Prosperity]
रथ (Ratha) = Chariot
गज (Gaja) = Elephant, Gajasura
इन्द्र (Indra) = Indra Deva, Best, Excellent, the Chief
तुरंग (Turamga) = a Horse
युक्त (Yukta) = Yoked, Joined, United
लक्ष्मीं (Lakssmiim): Devi Lakshmi, Prosperity
सदैव (Sadaiva): Always
सदा (Sadaa) = Always, Ever, Every Time
एव (Eva) = Exactly so, in this Manner
सुमुखीं (Sumukhiim): Show Her Graceful Face
सु (Su) = Good, Excellent, Much, Greatly
मुख (Mukha) = the Mouth, Face, Countenance
प्रददाति (Pradadaati): Will Bestow
प्रद (Prada) = Giving, Yielding, Granting, Bestowing
शम्भुः (Shambhuh): Shambhu, another name of Sri Shiva