You get involved in your actions, which bind you. When you worry about yourself, are you not worrying about the body? Whatever you may do as a body, that cannot give you peace. Truth is beyond imitation and you cannot pose as Truth. There are no Gods and Goddesses other than your own Consciousness. None of them can give you lasting peace, which can be yours by knowing the origin of Consciousness. Then, you can be in an ocean of peace. When you realize yourself to be without a body, your formless nature becomes clear. When there is freedom from emotions, there is the purity of the body-Sattva. That promotes Viveka (Discrimination), which helps one to be free of concepts.
Without disturbing the body-mind we have to study why we love to exist. Why should the ever-existent develop a love for this temporary manifestation from the un-manifested? We have to meditate on Consciousness, which promotes Viveka of various kinds. Stabilization in pure Consciousness helps proper understanding of all that you read or hear.Nisargadatta Maharaj, Self Love edited by Mohan Gaitonde
All our thoughts originate when there is some action needed. You must think properly so that you become free of selfish motives. Such motives become a cause of your bondage. Everyone has a love for being, which is pure. You must chant the ‘Jaya Guru’ Mantra which can, initially, be audible to you. But when you are tired you should continue chanting in silence. This chanting helps us to wake us up from our long ignorance. Consciousness is Guru, and our attention to it is desirable. The Guru is not restricted to a body but is all-pervasive and He is in you as your Consciousness. Consciousness is normally active but becomes Nirguna (Un-manifested- attributeless) after Self-Realisation. It becomes pure and holy by Mantra, leading to the ultimate knowledge. During His lifetime, Krishna acted a lot, but always remained Nirguna. It is not necessary that all Jnanis should have the same experiences. It becomes difficult to accept that Nirguna can also be active.
Tag: Existence
Absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.
Carl Sagan / Aphorism derived from Archeology
Everything exists in dependence on other factors and is thus free from the two extremes: the extreme of reified objective existence and the extreme of nonexistance.
-Geshe Sonam Rinchen, How Karma Works
He who would live must fight He who…
He who would live must fight. He who doesn’t wish to fight in this world, where permanent struggle is the law of life, has not the right to exist.
Adolf Hitler
Every particle of this existence is brimming with…
Every particle of this existence is brimming with intelligence – the seed knows when to sprout and the flower knows when to bloom. All of life that is happening in this creation is expressing that infinite intelligence. When you begin to behold this breathtaking phenomenon taking place all around you, all your questions start dissolving into an overwhelming sense of wonder. And that is the Art of Living.
Sri Sri Ravishankar