Veda: | Rg-veda | Yajur-veda | Sâma-veda | Atharva-veda |
type of priest: | invoking priests | handling priests | singing priests | (nonliturgical) |
hymn collection: | Rk Samhitâ | Yajuh Samhitâ | Sâma Samhitâ | Atharva Samhitâ |
ritual treatise: | Aitareya Brâhmana | Satapatha Brâhmana | Chândogya Brâhmana | … |
philosophical treatise: | Aitareya Upanisad | Brhadâranyaka Upan. | Chândogya Upan. | Mândûkya Upanisad |
mahâvâkya: | Ait.Up. 3.3: | Brh.Up. 1.4.10: | Ch.Up. 6.8.7: | Mand.Up. 2: |
(Sanskrit text:) | prajñânam brahma | aham brahmâsmi | tat tvam asi | ayam âtmâ brahma |
(English translation:) | “Consciousness is Brahman.” | “I am brahman.” | “That you are.” | “Brahman is this self.” |
[Note: Each Veda has multiple branches, each of which may have it own Brahmana, Upanisads, etc. This table gives only one line among several for each of them.]