When the goal of spiritual life is reached, there remains only compassion in the heart.
– Ramakrishna
When the goal of spiritual life is reached, there remains only compassion in the heart.
– Ramakrishna
A poor devotee points to the sky and says, ‘God is up there’. An average devotee says, ‘God dwells in the heart as the Inner Master’. The best devotee says, ‘God alone is and everything I perceive is a form of God’.
– Ramakrishna
As a piece of rope, when burnt, retains its form, but cannot serve to bind, so is the ego which is burnt by the fire of supreme Knowledge.
-Sri Ramakrishna
One cannot see God as long as one feels ‘I am the doer’. Fully awakened souls are beyond virtue and vice. They realize that it is God who does everything.