tat tvam asi – That Thou art

tat tvam asi – “Thou art That”

Chandogya Upanishad 6.8.7, Sama Veda

A Mahâvâkya from the Sâmaveda

Chândogya Upanisad 6.8.7, etc.

sa ya eso ‘nimâ aitadâtmyam idam sarvam, tat satyam, sa âtmâ. tat tvam asi, Svetaketo.
Olivelle (p. 152): “The finest essence here—that constitutes the self of this whole world; that is the truth; that is the self (âtman). And that’s how you are, Svetaketu.”

Hume (p. 246): “That which is the finest essence—this whole world has that as its soul. That is reality (satya). That is Âtman (Soul). That art thou, Svetaketu.”

Radhakrishnan (p. 458): “That which is the subtle essence (the root of all) this whole world has for its self. That is the true. That is the self. That art thou, Sv