Harass not the tiny ant which labours to carry a grain for its survival, for it has life and life is sweet indeed.
B.S. Surti, Thus Spake Zarathushtra
Tag: Survival
Cause Change & Lead Accept Change & Survive…
Cause Change & Lead
Accept Change & Survive
Resist Change & Die
–Ray Norda, Chairman, Novell
Until the lion learns how to write every…
Until the lion learns how to write, every story will glorify the hunter.
-African Proverb
- No hunter will admit that he killed a sleeping lion
- History is the story of the mighty
- Only victors survive to tell stories
- The lost and the dead can’t speak for themselves
Love is only a dirty trick played on…
Love is only a dirty trick played on us to achieve continuation of the species.
-W Somerset Maugham