The word ‘happiness’ would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.
-Carl Jung
Tag: Duality
Chalti Chakki Dekh Kar
Chalti Chakki Dekh Kar, Diya Kabira Roye
Dui Paatan Ke Beech Mein, Sabit Bacha Na Koye
Looking at the grinding stones, Kabir cries
In the duel of wheels, nothing stays intact.
Dui Patan (Twin stones of the grinding mill) here signify earth (Prithvi) and sky (Akash) and within the ambit of these is all creation and life as also the manifestation of all natural phenomenon of dualities: day and night, life and death, joys and sorrows, thereby making life forever in motion
Chalti Chakki (Running wheels) represent the wheels of time and an ever changing process. Trapped in this duality, whatever we see is perishable. Nothing that we comprehend is eternal.
All contradictions emerge out of dvaitha tatwa. The duality; as me and you; us and others etc, at the most basic emotional and existential level. This leads to our perception of the world in duality
This separateness breeds the emergence of ‘samsara’ whose worst form is human conflict and destruction.
In this duality in perception whole meaning and purpose of life is lost.
Kabir’s observation is seeped in sufiana and advaita.
”Dui Paatan Ke Beech Mein,Sabit Bacha Na Koye”. every one is lost in this duality.
Quote from Wokini
In my youth I respected the world and life, I needed not anything but peace of heart;
And yet I changed despite myself and believed in Iktumi’s lies. He seemed to know all the truth, he promised to make me happy.
He made me ask Wakantanka for wealth, that I might have power; I was given poverty, that I might find my inner strength.
I asked for fame, so others would know me; I was given obscurity, that I might know myself.
I asked for a person to love that I might never be alone; I was given a life of a hermit, that I might learn to accept myself.
I asked for power, that I might achieve; I was given weakness, that I might learn to obey.
I asked for health, that I might lead a long life; I was given infirmity, that I might appreciate each minute.
I asked Mother Earth for strength, that I might have my way; I was given weakness, that I might feel the need for Her.
I asked to live happily, that I might enjoy life; I was given life, that I might live happily.
I received nothing I asked for, yet all my wishes came true. Despite myself and Iktumi, my dreams were fulfilled.
I am richly blessed more than I ever hoped, I thank you, Wakantanka, for what you’ve given me.
-Billy Mills , Oglala Lakota (1938-)
We must develop and maintain the capacity to…
We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies.
Martin Luther King
The sword that kills the man Is the…
The sword that kills the man
Is the sword that saves the man.
Zen flesh, Zen Bones