Before we talk about failure, first we have to know what is success. If people have the wrong definition of success, then they will also have the wrong definition of failure. According to spiritualists, success is not in the result. Success is not in the achievement. Success is not what you get at the end. That’s not what defines success according to spiritual teaching.
Success is in your endeavor, your intention, your effort, the character that goes behind the noble thing that you’re trying to do and once you’ve invested all of those things whatever the result may be is actually inconsequential. It is already a success because in reality none of us are in control of the result. There are other factors in the universe beyond our control which are affecting the results that we gain. So, therefore, if you try to measure success by results, not only will you feel a failure but you’ll also be inhibited of even going on the journey for fear of failure. But when you understand that success is in the effort, the goal of life is not to be the best, the goal of life is to try your best; and in trying your best if it is destiny’s plan for you to be the best for the purpose of service and making the world a better place, then so be it. And if destiny for your plan is not for you to be the best, it doesn’t matter you’re still a success.
In the Bhagavad Gita, this is known as karma yoga or the art of working, the art of detached work and this is one of the most powerful things that people can use in their life. Because, in this world people are so stressed, people are so deflated, demoralized and depressed because they measure success in the wrong way. When we measure success in the wrong way, we fall to the cancers of the mind competing with others comparing with others but you’re on your own journey and you only need to do your best.
Keshava Swami
Tag: Keshava Swami
Why to-do lists are not enough?
At the end of this life, people won’t remember us for what we did, people won’t remember us for our achievements, people won’t remember us for our percentage in a test or our position in a ranking or our power in society.
People will remember us for who we were, the qualities that we exuded, the character that we cultivated in our life that touched their hearts. So what the ancient spiritual teachers tell us is along with having a to-do list, have a to-be list and ask yourself day-to-day what can you do and how can you function in this world to live up to that to-be list.
Keshava Swami